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Selected Academic Work


“You Are The Library: Players as Custodians of Information in In Other Waters and The Return of the Obra Dinn.” Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association, forthcoming Fall 2023


"Science Compels Us To Explode The Sun! Toward A New Taxonomy For Science Fiction Video Games." International Conference on Narrative, March 2023


“Should My Best Prove Insufficient, We Will Find Another Way: Time Loop Mechanics as Expressions of Hope in Digital Games.” International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, July 2023


“Video Games Make Time Travel Real (No, Really).” The Astounding Analog Companion, November 2021


“The Needle And The Wedge: Digital Games as Speculative Art.” Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association, Summer 2020


“Who Did I Jettison Into Space? Complicity as a Tool for Narrative Expression in INSIDE and The Swapper.” The Video Game Art Reader, December 2017

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